Run To The Best You

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#115 - Can Running Make You Younger? Featuring Jessica Young

#115 - Can Running Make You Younger? Featuring Jessica Young

Can running make you younger? That is a question that is asked often by many middle-aged individuals. In today’s world, people are frantically looking for ways to stay young for as long as possible. The issue is however that we are set up to fail from an early age and it continues through adulthood. Let’s think about it for a second, as children, we were rewarded for good behavior by our parents with candy and ice cream. As we began to put on weight, those same parents may have encouraged us to run to lose weight. Unfortunately by that time, the last thing we wanted to do was run. As an adult, we are bombarded by advertisements that lead us to crave unhealthy foods. When we go to the supermarket, all of the unhealthy foods are on sale. Candy bars are at the checkout line on one side, tabloids with weight loss products are on the other side of the aisle. We buy treadmills and gym memberships in an attempt to lose the weight that we put on by falling for the advertisements that we see on TV & news articles. Back to the question; Can running make you younger? This is a yes and no answer. In this week's blog/podcast we will help awaken you to just how running can make you younger. We will also tell you the pitfalls to avoid in which running can age you. We will also get a chance to speak with a new runner who is a mother of two toddler boys. Jessica Young will speak about how important running and staying young is for her at age 37. 

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Can Running Make You Younger? The Good Answer

YES!  A new study by Associate Professor Daniel Belavy from the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University finds the answer to be yes. According to his research, if you run just 20 kilometres (12.4 miles) each week, you could begin to slow down the aging process in your bone marrow. And for every nine kilometres you run each week, your bone marrow gets a year younger.

These effects are even more pronounced for long distance runners. Runners who ran over 50 kilometres a week had bone marrow that was eight years younger than those who didn’t do regular exercise.

Why Is Bone Marrow Important?

Prof. Belavy explains, when we are born, the marrow spaces within the bones of our bodies are mostly made up of red blood cell-producing marrow. As you age, the ‘red’ marrow gets replaced by ‘yellow’ fatty marrow or ‘adipose’ tissue. This yellow marrow impacts negatively on your bone tissue and blood cell production.

The more yellow marrow you have, the more chance you have of developing conditions such as osteoporosis and diabetes. People with high-fat diets and excess alcohol intake show high rates of yellow fatty bone marrow. 

Can Running Make You Younger? The Bad Answer

NO! To FEEL younger, running is only part of the equation. You can’t outrun a bad diet! Many people miscalculate how many calories they burned during a run and overeat. Many people tell themselves that since I ran 10 miles today, it is ok to eat pizza and drink beer during the football game. 

These pitfalls are what causes many NOT to see the amazing benefits that running can bring to your body. Running is good for your mental health! Did you know that food is also tied to our emotions? Eating certain foods can cause you to feel guilty or depressed! Nothing ages you faster than guilt and depression. 

If you want to Feel younger from running, we must do what smart runners do! 
What Smart Runners Do To Stay Young:

  1. Define Your Goals

  2. Eat A Well Balanced Diet That Supports Your Goals

  3. Run - Rest - Repeat 

Learn How New Runner Jessica Young

is Feeling Younger Within Only 10 Weeks!

#115 - Can Running Make You Younger? Featuring Jessica Young

Coach: What do you do for a living?

Jessica: I work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at the Technical Center in NJ. I did air traffic control research for many years, but I switched to managing research and systems engineering contracts in 2018.

Coach: How long have you been in your profession?

Jessica: I worked as a researcher for 12 years, and I’ve been managing contracts for almost 4.

Coach: What moved you to get into this field?

Jessica: While I was a student at Stockton University, I majored in mathematics but knew I didn’t want to teach. An internship popped up with the FAA, and I figured I’d take a stab at it! I ended up loving my job and stayed on that team for 12 years. I realized along the way that I enjoy contracting, so I switched careers to help my colleagues obtain the support they need for their research.


Take us back to the start of your journey, how were you feeling?

Jessica: I was always a very thin kid, but not because I ate healthily. I was able to drink all the soda and eat all the sugar I wanted without gaining a pound! I became a vegetarian when I was around 22 for ethical reasons, and I had no idea how to eat a healthy diet. Pizza and pasta are vegetarian, you know! I gained 50lbs very quickly with a carb-loaded diet, and I was very unhappy with myself. I didn’t know how to cook well, so it was a real challenge to eat a balanced vegetarian diet. I tried all the Beachbody programs and so many diets, and I did have some short-term success. But the weight always came back on because it wasn’t a lifestyle change. 

Coach: Jessica, you joined our program in early June, and the 5k that lined up perfectly for you were the Jazmine T Bryant Brighter Day 5k For Mental Health. 

Why was this an important race for you? 

Jessica: I haven’t mentioned this to you yet, but when I first joined, I searched for a race that benefitted mental health. I couldn’t find one that lined up with the end of my 8-week program. You mentioned a race that was being setup for July 31st, and that was perfect timing. I didn’t know at first that it was for the Jazmine T. Bryant Bright Day Fund which provides support for mental health in minority communities, but I was SO excited that my first 5K would benefit a cause I care about so much! The planets really aligned on this one. 

My brother-in-law, Ron, died by suicide in 2017. Ron had been in my life since I was 12, and I really struggled with his loss. Losing someone to suicide is a unique grief experience, and I needed to know my grief experience was normal. There wasn’t a suicide loss support group in our area, so I started one with the Mental Health Association. I’ve been facilitating the group for a few years now, and it’s rewarding to hear how much it has helped others cope with their loss. I know it has helped me tremendously. The stigma around mental health is a topic that is brought up a lot in our group, and it has made me more active in promoting mental health awareness to try to beat the stigma that prevents so many from seeking help. 

Coach: Wow Jessica, I had no idea. I’m sorry to hear about Ron. I’m proud of you for taking this on. We did a blog/podcast entitled “Mental Health, Running & You” w/ Jared Lombardi. This post gave some great pointers to help us cope with our mental health. Perhaps it would resonate and help your program as well. 

How did it feel to cross that finish line on July 31st, 2021. What emotions were running through your mind and body?

Jessica: That’s a good question! I felt so many emotions crossing the finish line. I felt joy and excitement that I completed this huge milestone. I had a lot of adrenaline pumping as I tried to pick up the speed a bit to get under 40 minutes. I was proud of myself for finishing the race under my goal time. I’m not sure the right word for it, but I was so happy to feel supported by my friend who showed up with her family to cheer me on and also to have you and the team there to encourage me. It was an overall amazing experience that I can’t wait to feel again!

Coach: Now when it comes to your personal health journey, what was your wake up call?  Like what made you get up one day and say I need to change my habits? 

Jessica: I’m not sure I can point to one specific moment when I knew I had to change my habits. I feel like I’ve known for a while that I need to change, but I felt stuck. I developed some health issues that require a strict diet to alleviate, so that made me start to implement some small changes. It may sound weird, but I think the pandemic made me take a good look at myself. I renewed my focus on bettering myself, starting with some inner personal development. Then one day I saw an update on Lisa Diaz’s Facebook page that showed her being active with a group of folks, and I decided to start following the Keep Calm and  Run to the Best You page on Facebook as well as yours. Thankfully you reached out to me to start a conversation, I met the team and was hooked! 

Coach: What At The Moment Are Your Healthy Habits?

As a busy mother, wife and professional, what is your 

Exercise Routine?

“Thankfully you reached out to me to start a conversation, I met the team and was hooked!”

Jessica: I’m excited that I get to spend Tuesday and Thursday evenings with the Run To The Best You Crew, and I also run on Saturday or Sunday (now with my children). I was doing a Les Mills fitness challenge when I started with the program. It was too much for my body to exercise almost daily. I scaled that back a lot. I just setup my new spin bike, though, so my plan is to bike using some Les Mills programs at home twice a week in addition to running.

#115 - Can Running Make You Younger? Featuring Jessica Young

Coach: That Is Sweet! Do you practice Intermittent Fasting? 

If so, what does that look like for you? 

Jessica: Yes! It’s been so effective for me so far. Plus, it has some inflammation reducing benefits that help me with my health issues, so I’m loving it. I started out with the 13/11 goal using the Zero app, but recently I’ve been intermittent fasting naturally without the structured times. I eat when I’m hungry, and I often wait  to eat breakfast until 11 or 12.

Coach: Any special diet that you are currently following?

Jessica: I’m eating a low histamine diet to help with some issues I’ve been having. I think I have an intolerance to histamine, which many people don’t realize is a component of our foods. High-histamine foods are usually citrus or fermented foods/drinks. I’ve been eating a lot of cantaloupe, zucchini, and squash lately, and also some cheese like fresh mozzarella that is low-histamine. 

Coach: How do you feel now since adopting this healthier lifestyle? 

Jessica: I’m glad to have lost some weight, which has been a big goal of mine for a while. Since I did my first 5K, though, my focus has been more on being able to run instead of the weightloss. I really never thought I could be a runner, so it means a lot to me to be able to run these distances. I’m much more confident now.

Coach: Wow! Having confidence is the best thing we can wear daily.   

How much weight have you lost so far? 

Jessica: Since starting this weightloss journey in April, 2021, I’m down 18lbs! I started April 20th. From April 20th until joining your program in June I lost only 5lbs up to that point. With the help of the Health Connection Calls and running I lost another 13 pounds from June to early August. 

Coach: How does your family and friends enjoy this version of you?  

Jessica: My kids love that we can run together now. Declan joined us for the family kickball game, and he LOVED that! It was so much fun to play that with him and race him onto the field. My husband definitely sees a difference in my shape, and seeing me working towards this running goal led him to join the gym again to work on his own goals.

Coach: Go Jared!  Jessica, I know it feels good to be the inspiration for all your family members to take their health to the next level. All it takes is one person to light a fire. You are on fire Jessica and it’s a beautiful flame. Oh, is there anything that you are doing now that You could not do before losing the weight?  

Jessica: Hmm.. I can fit into my jeans again! Really, this whole running journey feels like I’m doing a major thing that I could never do before. Running seems like such a simple thing to most people, but it wasn’t for me until joining the program.

Coach: What are you excited about today? Any special goals that you are working on at that moment?

Jessica: I am SO excited for the races coming up. I’ve signed up for another 5K in August, a 10-miler in Ocean City in September, then the big one: Atlantic City Half Marathon in October! I can’t believe I signed up for them, but I’m ready for the challenge!!

Coach: Jessica, if I can speak for all readers and listeners, we are routing for you in a major way. We love to see mothers out here getting it done. Life is. not over because you have children. In fact it is just beginning. You need to focus on your health to be alive and healthy for all your child's milestones; kindergarten graduations, high school graduation, college graduation, wedding, and the birth of your first grandchild.  

Thank you for being on the show. Before we let you go........

WHAT can you say to our listeners who may be ready to start their journey tomorrow? 

#115 - Can Running Make You Younger? Featuring Jessica Young


Believe in yourself! You’d be amazed at what you can do when you are committed and work hard towards your goals. Take the first step. Even if it feels uncomfortable at first, believe in your ability to figure it out and tackle the challenge. I’m a big fan of personal development authors, including Mel Robbins who says “Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will,” so be your #1 fan and show up for yourself by taking that first step towards your goal!”

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