#85 - 7 Tips For Running Accountability Partners w/ Chris Ballard & Katie Ayers
Running Accountability Partners (Chris Ballard & Katie Ayers)
What does accountability mean? The definition states; the quality or state of being accountable especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.
Why is it important to have or find a running accountability partner? Picture the scene; You just signed up for a marathon and you are at the starting line. Who is next to you? Your best friend, husband, wife, or another member of your family? Or are you alone? Wouldn’t it be great to run with someone to help you through those tough miles? Elite runners, please don’t answer this. That is a joke because even elite runners have accountability partners that they train with during the week.
What makes a partner so special is that their presence and encouragement can push you further than you thought you could go. Having an accountability partner is a great strategy no matter what distance you are planning to run. In this week’s blog/podcast, I will discuss in detail what traits to look for in a partner. We will discuss 7-steps to a successful accountability relationship. As a BONUS, we bring on two amazing mothers that have been inseparable since joining our Run To The Best You Program to discuss why they are so good for each other.
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Here are some things that you want to look for in an accountability partner;
They do what they promise (They must show up when they say they will.)
Take responsibility for their actions (Be willing to discuss what went wrong)
Proactively Solves Problems (Two complainers don’t get it done, one of you needs to be a good problem solver.)
Now that you know what to look for, how can you both be good partners for each other?
Define Your Personal Running Goals: Figure out what your personal running goals are. Do you plan on running your first half marathon in the spring? Well, it would be great to find someone with the same goal.
Find A Reliable Running Partner: Perhaps you belong to a local running group. Members may be at all different stages. Find the person that shows up every week and has a similar desire as you to improve to the next level. If you do not belong to a local running group, you can find an accountability partner online.
Be Honest with Each Other: You have heard honesty is the best policy. One of the hardest things to do is to run with negativity. Running is challenging enough and there are a lot of things that we need to focus on. Occasionally talking through personal issues during a run can be therapeutic. Honesty will allow one of you to say: “I just want to run today and talk about the positives in your life, not the negative today.”
Run Regularly Together: Pick key days per week that you will run together. It may be only once a week. Make it a good one.
Connect Accountability In Other Areas of Life: You may have more goals in common than just running. Maybe you both have weight loss goals or planning to save money for that special vacation.
Be The Change In The World That You Want To See: Be the best accountability partner that YOU can be. If we want reliability, honesty, & positivity in our relationship, then we want to bring those things ourselves.
Mix It Up: It is more than ok to mix up your accountability partners. You may have an accountability partner for long-distance runs and another for shorter speedier runs. Just like there are different seasons and we have different needs based on the season. We may have different needs as time goes on.
Those are the tips for what to look for in an Accountability partner. Those tips will also help you be the best accountability partner for someone else as well. To help us break this down further, let's talk to two of the best accountability partners I know.
Katie Ayers & Chris Ballard, two mothers that are inseparable during our program.
Photo Of The Week
Running Accountability Partners (Chris Ballard & Katie Ayers)
Chris Ballard was on our podcast, episode 19:
“Don't Expect Change If You Don’t Make One”
Coach: Chris why does that topic resonate with you so much and do you still feel that way?
Chris: Absolutely, you can’t expect to get healthier, lose weight, or run further if you don’t do the work. You have to change your mindset in order to make positive changes.
Katie Ayers was on our podcast, episode 21: “Get Out Of Your Own Way”
Coach: Katie, do you still feel like you get into your own way, or have you gotten better?
Katie: Sometimes I feel like I am still in my own way, but you just have to get over it and mentally prepare yourself!
Coach: Let's tell everyone what you do for a living as well as what happens when you get home. Let's start with you Chris
Chris: I am a CT & Xray tech at our local hospital. I work overnight shift. I get home from work at 8:30am. Go to sleep at 11am until 3pm.
Coach: How about you Katie?
Katie: Office manager of a wellness center. When I get off, I have family responsibilities and I run my own business.
Coach: Oh what kind of business?
Katie: I help woman save money and protect them from Covid-19 by providing them with a way to do mani-pedi’s from the safety of thier homes. I have a website where you can order some cute designs that last longer than going to a salon. colorstreet.com
Coach: Wow, that’s awesome Katie. Why do you run? What does running do for you?
Katie: Mental clarity. It is my therapy!
Coach: Chris, same question.
Chris: It’s “Me Time” I have teenage triplet boys, so I do a lot of running around. I take my running time to focus on me. If I am not healthy, then I can’t be there for my family.
Coach: Why would you say that having a partner is so crucial in striving towards goals?
Chris: It’s very important! We help motivate each other. Maybe one of us doesn’t feel like running, but you don’t want to let your partner down. So you get up and go.
Katie: It’s one thing to let yourself down, but when you have a partner you don’t want to let them down!
Coach: When you see those seven tips above which one of those are the most important to you?
Katie: #2 Find A Reliable Partner. We know that consistency is key! An inconsistent partner will yeild you both inconsistent results.
Chris: Number 2 is my favorite! Find A Reliable Partner. Katie and I are on similar levels, we have similar goals and I know that she will alwasy show up!
Coach: Katie when you think about Chris, why has she been the best partner for you?
Katie: Chris is just the best! Chris never lets anyone down and you can always count on her!
Coach: Chris, same question, when you think about Katie, why has she been the best partner for you?
Chris: Katie is always positive. Even in below freezing tempatures, she is running along side me and giving me encouragement. Katie always has a smile on her face. Katie is simply the best.
Coach: When we think about partners, you two are very close, but how about our overall group? Do you feel like you have multiple partners?
Katie: You can have a different partner for different reason- one to run and another as a diet partner. Just within our local group, I have my mother Marie Geary, my husband Matt joined last year and now my sister just joined the program this month. I would say that I have quite a few partners now. LOL
Chris: Yes, I also love to run with my sister Lisa Keating. Lisa is faster than I and I don’t like to slow her down. Again find someone that is within your level.
Coach: Thank you both for being on the show…….
If you had a time machine and could go back in time and talk to yourself before making the decision to run, join this program, and make great connections, what would you say to yourself?
Katie: I would say…… Katie, start right now, don’t hesitate! Running will bring you peace and mental clarity. It will bring you a sense of accomplishment, new friends from around the world and the best accountabilty partner of all time in Chris Ballard!
Chris: I would say: “ Chris Go For It! What do you have to lose? Maybe you will find something that you would never dreamt of loving. Maybe you will make some fantastic friends. Just Do It!”
Running Accountability Partners (Jamie Burke, Chris Ballard, Tadris Parker, Katie Ayers)
Final Takeaway:
Having someone to rely on is pivotal in your success.
Not just any person….. but finding the right person that is reliable, honest and a problem solver. One that is motivating and encouraging that will inspire you to the finish.
Thank you for reading weeks blog. Press play to listen to the ladies explain for themselves how much they mean to each other!
If you are looking for an accountability partner or a coach to help hold you accountable to reach your goals…….
Subscribe to our Online Accountability Group Today!
Who Is Your Best Running Partner?
Comment below or email me at coachtadris@gmail.com
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Remember, we are just one run or walk away……
So Keep Calm And Run To The Best You My Friends!
-Coach Tadris
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