#121 - The Running Community - Join The Club!
What’s your perspective on the running community? Have you ever seen a fitness club like ours? Experience how we help each other at all ages, stages, and situations. Join Keep Calm And Run To The Best You for a free workout and see how well you fit with our fun-loving group!
Ocean City, NJ 10 Miler & 5k (9/26/21)
Observing The Running Community
What picture comes to mind when you think of the running community? Do you have a smile on your face or a smirk or a frown? We asked our friends online and heard from both sides. Some people thrive when plugged into a great running community and others prefer to go it alone.
Here’s what our Facebook friends and members have to say about their running community:
“Support no matter how fast or slow you are” -Katie M.
Another person agreed that they find “encouraging people” in the running community - Julie K.
Someone else shared that they’re in it for the “memories (instead of winning) medals” -Arm S.
One runner prefers to “always run alone” for the “peace and quiet” - Charles S.
“I'm not involved in races (currently, at least) so I'd say “sharing ideas and experiences” - Chris O.
“They support my efforts...so much better walking with someone than by myself!” - Marie G.
“(Keep Calm and Run To The Best You) is a fun, supportive run group” - Jessica Y.
“I enjoy the camaraderie...everyone supports each other equally” - Matt A.
Common Stereotypes about Runners
Two common negative stereotypes about the running community are as follows:
Runners are obsessed with fitness and diet, and tend to be pushy
Runners are judgmental and arrogant people
Here are two common positive stereotypes about runners:
Runners are passionate about health and highly motivated to help others
Runners are very encouraging and genuinely thoughtful
The first stereotype is really saying the same thing from two different angles. If you appreciate the enthusiasm and interest in helping others, you’ll see runners as dedicated to fitness and serving. But if you’re deterred by it, you’ll see runners as obsessed and pushy.
The second stereotype is based on personal experience. Have you been rejected and looked down upon by someone who was in better physical shape than you? You’ll probably see the running community as a group you don’t fit into. But if you’ve been encouraged to join a workout or you’ve been applauded for taking small steps, you’ll see runners as encouraging and kind.
What’s YOUR experience with fitness focused people? Do you want to avoid the pressure and sales pitch? Start with healthy eating. Take the Keeping It Real Health Challenge on your own!
Meredith, Jamie, Marla, Leonard & Chris of Keep Calm And Run To The Best You (NJ) Ocean City 10 Miler
Running To Support Your Community
People run for a variety of different reasons. Beyond keeping healthy and looking great, which is reason enough to stay fit, running for a larger purpose is really good motivation. No matter what your experience has been with the running community as a whole, you can find common ground with others when it’s time to walk or run for a worthy cause. Most runners are open to taking opportunities to raise money and spread awareness while doing what they love.
Here’s another important truth about running for a cause: It’s harder to talk yourself out of running when you know that someone else is counting on you. Reap the double benefit of running for a cause and you’ll be healthy, dedicated, and happy to be helping someone else!
Lock Arms With Us - Run For A Cause
Coach Tadris Parker has hosted many local events and co-hosted walks and races in other regions to help raise money and awareness for community needs, such as South Jersey Field Of Dreams and the Jazmine T Bryant Brighter Day 5K in Haddonfield.
Back in March 2021, Tadris completed the 4x4x48 Challenge as he was sponsored to run 4 miles every 4 hours for 48 hours straight, and he was overjoyed to present a check to Faces 4 Autism of Egg Harbor Township at the end of the challenge.
Ready to get involved for yourself? Sign up for our next Run A 5K Program and start training with us to support an organization or purpose that means something special to you! Our family at Run To The Best You is always open to running for a good cause.
Build Community With Us - We Want You Here
Let’s face it: Everybody needs somebody. Even if you’re the guy that prefers to run alone for the peace and quiet, you’re going to be a happier, healthier person if someone is holding you accountable and cheering you on when you reach your goals. We are designed for human connection and if you’re not connected to a good running group, Run To The Best You wants you here! We even launched a new web page inviting you to Join Our Club - and we mean it!
Keep Calm and Run To The Best You - How WE Roll
What makes our running club different? Diversity in lifestyle, but common goals and attitudes. If you join us for a workout on a Tuesday or Thursday evening, here’s what you can expect to see:
Experienced runners clapping it up with level one beginners
Long distance walkers happily chatting with their track buddies
Athletes rehabbing from injury with careful and consistent exercise
Parents running with their kids to make fitness a family affair
Coach Tadris bringing the energy and giving individualized pointers
We are a diverse group here in Atlantic County, New Jersey, and we welcome guests and newbies with open arms and open hearts. Having said that, our goals and attitudes are aligned. Everyone in our group is committed to the mission of “running (or walking) to the best YOU.”
Our members are on various diets and operate at all different levels but we are all committed to being healthy and leaving a legacy so others will follow in our footsteps. That’s why we run, why we support causes, and why we hold each other accountable. We walk the walk, talk the talk, and help as many people as possible. This is the example that Coach Tadris has set and this is how we roll! Whether you join us locally for an event or partner with us online for accountability and encouragement, you will feel like you belong here.
(New Members Violet, Janet, Rebecca & Caroline)
Join The Club - Click Here!
If you join Keep Calm And Run To The Best You, there are special benefits you’ll receive as a member of our running club: Weekly Group Workout Sessions, Monthly Giveaways, Discounts to the AC Race Series Events, Access To Weekly Health Connection Calls, just to name a few.
Keep Calm And Run To The Best You invites you to participate in one free workout on a Tuesday or Thursday this fall. See for yourself how easy it is to have fun while you run (or walk) with our club.
Reach out to us on Facebook or send a message and ask where we’re meeting. Come on out!