#123 - *NEW* Holistic Health Program: Do a 3-Month Lifestyle Overhaul with Coach Tadris
Coach Tadris Parker is using all that he’s learned over the past ten years to launch a program so powerful it can change a life. This holistic health program rebuilds your mental, spiritual, physical, and social-emotional health. You’ll feel and look like a million bucks in just 3 months!
What is Holistic Health?
The term “holistic” gets thrown around a lot, especially in the natural health community. You’ve probably heard it used different ways and wondered what it actually means. What makes holistic health different? We found a clear definition from Western Connecticut State University. To summarize, it means we must deal with multiple areas of a person’s life, not food and exercise alone.
Holistic health looks at the whole, treating all pieces as equally important. In other words, you can’t fully overcome an emotional eating habit until you deal with the true reason why you overeat. You can’t commit to a new exercise routine unless you identify why you’ve never been able to stick to it before.
“Holistic health is an approach to life that considers multidimensional aspects of wellness. It encourages individuals to recognize the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual.”
Four Aspects of a Healthy Human Being
Coach Tadris Parker is an avid reader of health-focused books. In Stephen Covey’s bestseller 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Tadris noticed four points that mirror the definition of holistic health. According to Covey, these four things must be addressed in order for a self-renewal program to work. With the phrase “sharpen the saw,” the author says that we need to work smarter by first sharpening the saw before grinding out our efforts. He lists the four aspects to becoming a healthy human being as mental, spiritual, physical, and social/emotional health.
Holistic Health can be achieved with the Coach Tadris Lifestyle Overhaul
The Coach Tadris Lifestyle Overhaul is a new program that establishes holistic health as a top priority. This approach is life changing for someone who does not honor themselves in these four areas. This program redeems the whole person, increases their value and self-worth to enhance the quality of life.
Here’s how the Coach Tadris Lifestyle Overhaul will make you holistically healthy:
Mental Health - knowledge, awareness, planning, positive reinforcement, and inspiration
Spiritual Health - being part of something bigger than yourself, spending time in nature
Physical Health - exercise, flexibility, endurance, rest, clean eating, stress management
Social/Emotional Health - finding a place in a fun, caring community, helping each other
Lifestyle Overhaul - Keep Calm and Run To The Best You
If you’re desperate to fix your health and upgrade your life, the Coach Tadris Lifestyle Overhaul was made for you. This program may seem expensive, but it’s the fastest way to achieve holistic health. (and we haven’t even mentioned the best part yet!) This is a investment in saving yourself. You will look and feel significantly better in just 3 months. With continued accountability and support, you can maintain a healthy routine that carries you through the rest of your life. Now is the time to prepare yourself for the parties and family gatherings ahead. It’s not time to let yourself down again. Before you gather for turkey and football, you could be running a 5K in the morning and dropping a pants size before the new year! Set your eyes on the next season because you’re going to love who you become.
Envision Yourself Feeling Better
Consider this: you’re given an opportunity to escape from a pattern of poor health, physically, mentally, spiritually, socially, and emotionally? How much is that worth to you? What if you had one shot at reversing the physical damage and disease that ravages your body? What if you could trade your toxic negativity and low self-esteem for a renewed mindset and passionate love for life? This intense holistic health program will have you feeling like a million bucks, so the cost of the Coach Tadris Lifestyle Overhaul is worth every dollar (and there’s a big bonus at the end - keep listening!) You’re overdue for an overhaul and Coach Tadris is over here, ready to help you become the best you!
Dream Up a Memorable Celebration
You need skin in the game if you’re going to work hard to change your life. We love to see our happy clients working towards a big memorable celebration. Your might plan a tropical vacation with friends and family once you’re comfortable wearing a swimsuit in public. Or, you might launch a business once your mental health and physical health is under control. Maybe you’ll do something else, but expect to finish out this 3-month program strong and party like a rock star once you achieve your goals!
What will your big celebration look like?
Coach Tadris’ New Program Will Work for You
When it comes to life changers, it takes one to know one. You wouldn’t hire just anybody to walk you through steps that promise a better quality of life, right? It takes effective coaching and a great plan to get where you want to be and keep it going. You need someone you can count on.
Coach Tadris Parker has personal experience and professional authority in the area of holistic health. Tadris has lived through major weight gains, a debilitating injury, a heartbreaking divorce, and a spiritual awakening. Fast forward ten years, he has completely rebuilt his life. He now coaches people to “keep calm and run to the best you” no matter what difficulty life brings.
There is a decade of knowledge and proven health strategies built into this aggressive program so people like you can transform themselves in three short months. You are going to work hard for this, but Coach Tadris makes it even harder for you to fail. He helps you set achievable goals in the beginning, and gives you a manageable path to getting excellent results. Get ready to win because this is really it!
Benefits to the Coach Tadris Lifestyle Overhaul
MAC - (Motivation - Accountability - Community)
1 Video Coaching Call per week
Personalized Motivational Videos 2x per week
Daily Check-Ins
Personalized Meal Plan
Access to Exclusive FB Community
Access to Exclusive Community Chat
Access To Health Connection Calls & Access To Library of Audio Recordings
Personalized Training Plan
& More
Answer the Call!
Don't waste another day of your life. Take the first step with Coach Tadris Parker. Believe it or not, your health goals are well within reach. If you start now, you won’t even recognize yourself next season. Take advantage of this opportunity to overhaul your life and fix your holistic health today!
Let’s Make The Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life!