#194 - Running Motivation; Health & Happiness / Autism Speaks Fundraiser

Running Motivation is for anyone looking to start a running journey, or those looking to step up to your next milestone race event. Walking Motivation is for anyone who feels like their running days are in the past. We encourage you to start where you are; walk, run, and learn the run, walk, run method to cover race distance pain-free. Coach Tadris Parker is fueled by continuously listening to podcasts and books that inspires him, then he brings that motivation and inspiration to his blog/podcast. Listen to the audio clip below to find that motivation to lace up your sneakers for your next walk or run. Learn all about this at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You!

Listen To The Podcast

Quote of the Week: Health and happiness goes hand and hand. The happier you are, the more attention you’ll pay to your health. And the healthier you are, the happier you’ll feel. Today, go ahead and choose both!

My Thoughts:

When it comes to health and happiness, we don’t have to choose one or the other.  Wake up every morning to create both. Happiness doesn’t happen by chance, it happens by choices. We wake up and choose to go for a walk or jog. That morning choice leads to the next decision to eat healthily! When a negative situation arises during the day, we can choose to stay positive about the situation, hence furthering our happiness. 

When there are life changes:

One thing that we can count on in life is change. These changes can be a death of a loved one, a breakup, a new love, or being diagnosed with a sickness. Stay the course of healthy habits. It will be these habits that will carry you through anything. 

Run To The Best You & Hear My Full Thoughts On Podcast:

Listen To The Podcast

Lauren Houck:

I just started to love running over the past few years. I’ve found it to be a good way to provide myself with self-care, mental clarity, and overall bodily health! However, as a newer runner, I found myself initially plagued by injuries and was incredibly frustrated by it! I took further training, learned about running gait mechanics, treated running-specific injuries, built a well-rounded training program, and was able to complete my 4th Half Marathon with an eye on running a full marathon in October. Running can be a lifelong sport as long as it’s done with good mechanics and some supplemental work. I love helping people figure out their gait mechanics and treating their strength and mobility impairments to help them keep running as long as possible without injury.  I am passionate about helping people stay healthy while running so they can enjoy longevity in the sport!”

Connect w/ Lauren

Listen To The Podcast

Did You Know……

Coach Tadris will be running the 48.6 mile challenge in Orlando, 2024. Coach signed up through a charity bib and partnered with Autism Speaks Teamup! Make a difference today with your donation. Every $1 Counts. Thank you in advance.

Make A Difference Donation

Be Ready For Your First 5k in 8-12 weeks From Now!

Coach Tadris Parker trains athletes at all levels for local or virtual running events.

If you’re serious about running or walking to improve your overall health, join our Run/Walk club and let’s do this together!

Email coachtadris@gmail.com with any questions about running any race distance.