#208 - How To Achieve Running Success In 2023

Keep Calm And Run To The Best You (The Podcast) is for running, walking & overall fitness motivation. I have a passion for helping people reclaim their lives. I encourage you to start where you are; walk, run, and learn the run, walk, run method to cover any race distance pain-free. - Coach Tadris

In this week’s episode I discuss …….

  1. The “Importance of Tracking Your Daily Habits.”

  2. The “Importance of Your Goals & Data!”

  3. Why “Finding The Right Community” Is So Important For Your Fitness Goals.

My mission this week is to help us focus on attracting running success. What we focus on grows. At times we mindlessly go with the flow and eat because others are eating. Drink because others are drinking. We wake up months later and standing in the mirror is a person 10 lbs heavier. That showed that we were focused on food/drink and our waistline grew. How can we attract what we want? Having a clear goal in mind is the start. 

Want to run a faster 5k, run your first marathon, or lose 10-20 lbs by just walking and watching your diet? Here is how to achieve those goals. 

• Track - Track key metrics such as; How many days did you run this week, was there a speed focus day included? Off-running day goals like strength training and flexibility work. Track your food intake. Want to go alcohol-free? Start a streak and track how many days in a row you did not have a drink. 

• Discipline - It takes discipline to wake up early to walk or run. It takes discipline to get off of work and run or walk. It takes discipline not to eat office bagels, cookies, and candy. It takes discipline to track everything. Here is what I know: You are capable of being disciplined! Keep your goals front and center. 

• Gamify - Make a game out of tracking. Games are fun, so make a game out of these tracking streaks. The results you want will start to take shape within you.  

• Goals & Data - When you wrote down that you wanted to run a sub-30-minute 5k, and gave yourself 60-90 days to achieve that goal. By tracking your workouts, your meals, and your streaks of avoiding trouble foods/drinks you will have data to learn from. If you started out running a 5k in 33 minutes and after 60 days you can run a 5k in 31:30, that’s amazing. Don’t be hard on yourself, our goals take time to achieve. Review your data and see what adjustments need to be made to hit your goal. Maybe you won’t need to adjust anything, you may just need more time to follow your plan. You may review the data and learn that you skipped speed 3 days out of 8 possible opportunities. Get after it over the next 60 days because that 29:50 5k is coming. 

Top 3 Things You Can Do Achieve Running Success

1. Get Up Early - Even if you don’t run early, rising early will help you achieve success in other areas of life. 

2. Meditate/Visualize - Rising early gives you quiet time to breathe, set up your day, and focus on your goals. 

3. Diet (2 Meals a Day) Protein & Veggies (Keep It Simple) Refer to any of my previous work to dive deeper into this topic. 

There will always be a battle between what your mind may want & what the eyes see and want. Which will win? Rob Dyrdek called it the battle between the “upper”  & “lower” 

Listen to this week's podcast to hear me break this down further. 

Keep Calm And Run To The Best You!  - Coach Tadris 

Quote of The Week:

“I feel a new beginning coming towards me, and I’m RUNNING to it with open arms”

Train For Your Next Goal Race Online or In-Person

Be Ready For Your Next Goal Race in 8-13 Weeks!

Coach Tadris Parker trains athletes at all levels for race events. Submit your goals (Here

If you are inspired to take up running or walking to improve your overall health, join our Run/Walk Club and let’s do this together! Questions? Email  coachtadris@gmail.com

Did You Know?


Coach Tadris will be running the 48.6 mile challenge in Orlando, 2024. Coach signed up through a charity bib and partnered with Autism Speaks! Make a difference today with your donation. Every $1 Counts. Thank you in advance.

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