#200 - Weight Loss Motivation; Keeping It Real 2023

Running Motivation is for anyone looking to start a running journey, or those looking to step up to your next milestone race event. Walking Motivation is for anyone who feels like their running days are in the past. We encourage you to start where you are; walk, run, and learn the run, walk, run method to cover any race distance pain-free. Coach Tadris Parker is fueled by continuously listening to podcasts and books that inspire him, then he brings that motivation and inspiration to his blog/podcast. Listen to the audio clip below to find that motivation to lace up your sneakers for your next walk or run. Learn all about this at Keep Calm and Run To The Best You!

Listen To The Podcast

Quote of the Week:

“You Can’t Outrun A Bad Diet!” - Coach Tadris

Cliff Notes for Episode #200

I first found out about an elimination diet called “Whole30” back in 2018 that changed the game for me. I spent the rest of 2018 perfecting “Food Freedom” and in 2019 started sharing what I experienced with members of Run To The Best You! I also like to call this process “Keeping It Real” as we are encouraged to eat only from whole, real food sources.

I’m only human, just like everyone else. We all have food demons that likes to keep us in it’s grasp, whether it be sugar, fried processed foods, or beer. Food Freedom can get out of control at times. You may not want to do another 30 day reset, and you kick and scream the whole time your body is begging you to do so.

I first found out about an elimination diet called “Whole30” back in 2018 that changed the game for me. I spent the rest of 2018 perfecting “Food Freedom'' and in 2019 started sharing what I experienced with members of Run To The Best You! I like to call this process “Keeping It Real” as we are encouraged to eat only from whole, real food sources. 

I’m only human, just like everyone else. We all have a food demon that likes to keep its grasp on us, whether it be sugar, fried processed foods, or beer. Food Freedom can get out of control at times. You may not want to do another 30-day reset, and you kick and scream the whole time your body is begging you to do so. You can tell when your body is craving a reset when you are;

  • Sluggish

  • Bloated all the time 

  • Poor performance in workouts 

  • The scale is not budging although practicing IF

To break the trend that I was on, I launched myself into another round of the elimination process. I went from mid-April til mid-May and here is a snapshot of the results that I’m excited to share with you.

Keep Calm And “Keep It Real”

At Keep Calm And Run To The Best You, we help individuals train for local race events. This can be the person’s very first 5k or their 10th and they want to improve on their race times. Many have used our system and gone on to run half marathons. What is Keep Calm and Keeping It Real process? Besides walking or jogging 3 days per week, one must be intentional  about their food choices. Keeping It Real means eating REAL food. Moderate portions of meat, eggs, seafood, plenty of vegetables, & moderate amount of fruit. Plenty of heart healthy natural fats, herbs and spices. Eat foods with little to no ingredients. Should your food choice have a label the ingredients must be pronounceable. These whole and unprocessed foods are like Premium Gasoline for your body. Processed food on the other hand is like Regular Gas in a Mercedes with added sugar for good measure.

Take The Challenge: 7 or 30 days (AVOID These Foods) 

When it comes to running, we want to have good posture and breathe with ease, in a sense, Keep Calm and flow. We don‘t want anything to disrupt that. When it comes to our nutritional choices, we don’t want anything to disrupt us while we are on the road to good health. We will avoid these problematic foods from our eating. Avoiding these foods will bring more than weight loss. You will experience smoother skin, more energy, a smaller waist, and more. Will it be a challenge to avoid the following foods? Sure it will, but you have to Keep Calm, breathe and keep going! Remember this: Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful! Here are problematic foods to avoid:

  1. AVOID - Added Sugar, Of Any Form (Real or Artificial)

  2. AVOID - All Grains. This includes wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, sprouted grains, and all gluten-free pseudo-cereals like quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat. This also includes all the ways wheat, corn and rice creeps into our foods by ways of bran, germ, starch etc. READ you labels. (I know…..challenging….Keep Calm, you can do it!)

  3. AVOID - Dairy. This includes cow, goat, or sheep’s milk. Products like milk, cream, cheese, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, ice cream, or frozen yogurt. 

  4. AVOID - Legumes. This includes beans such as: black, red, pinto, navy, white, kidney, lima, fava, etc. Peas, chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts. (including peanut butter) Avoid all soy-soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, edamame, and all the ways once again it sneaks into your food like lecithin. 

  5. AVOID - Alcohol. Including cooking alcohols. 

  6. AVOID - Carrageenan, MSG, or Sulfates. 

Avoiding these foods for 30 days will bring  you the energy that you need to get out the door ready to train. The energy from your training days will lead to fantastic results on race day. Witor hout the disruption of grains, and the bloated feeling from legumes and dairy, you will get to the starting line feeling light and ready to run.          

**Special Note:
Make a special attempt to avoid looking for loopholes. Do not look for ways to have your favorite food in a recreated healthier form. A muffin is still a muffin, and potato chips are still potato chips.  The ingredients may only have avocado oil, potatoes, and sea salt. The ingredients are all within the Keeping It Real limits.  You recreating these sweets or the salty snacks may have you craving other Non Script foods. 

Subscribe To Our Newsletter For A FREE Copy of the Complete Keeping It Real Nutrition Guide

Photo Of The Week

Nina Williams Crushes 30-Day Reset!

Nina Williams (front center) started Keeping It Real 100% on May 1st, 2023. Nina had a few tough days, yet she toughed it out. On May 31st, 2023 Nina weighted in ans lost 6lbs and a whopping 10 inches! Nina went on to sign up for 90 days of our Run/Walk Club.

Congratulations Nina. You are looking fabulous!

Be Ready For Your Next Goal Race in 8-13 Weeks!

Coach Tadris Parker trains athletes at all levels for race events.

Submit your goals (Here

If you are inspired to take up running or walking to improve your overall health, join our Run/Walk Club and let’s do this together!

Email  coachtadris@gmail.com with any thoughts or questions.

Did You Know…..

Coach Tadris will be running the 48.6 mile challenge in Orlando, 2024. Coach signed up through a charity bib and partnered with Autism Speaks Teamup! Make a difference today with your donation. Every $1 Counts. Thank you in advance.

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